Sunday 19 April 2015

Pilgrimage to Tumleo Island

Thursday we set off on a Pilgrimage to Tumleo Island. The Parish of Aitape is going to install a 3 meter statue of Sr Michael on the Tumleo hill that you can see in this photo. St Michael is the Patron Saint of Papua New Guinea. The Instillation will take place on  24th May. Preparations are well under way with fundraising for the celebration. The Sisters agreed at our Gathering to help accommodate some of the women who will be coming from distances. Tumleo Island can be seen in the distance in this early morning photo at 6.00am

To get us to where we were to board the boats we were driven to the beach near one of the local stores. Using two of the convent vehicles it took a few trips to get the 25 of us to the boarding site. We were on the way at 8.30am

Here we are gathered with our lunch and morning tea. The Novices baked two large containers of fresh bread rolls. The esky contained cold drinks and water.

Finally at just after 9.00am we are in the boats and on our way. There was great excitement as the three boats set off. The people from Tumleo came to get us.

Our boat broke down so after getting it going again we really sped up to catch up with the others. Thank goodness the water was not choppy.

The hill in front of the boat is Tumleo Hill. At the very top the people have made a clearing so that the Statue will be able to be seen from the Aitape beach front.

 We had a special time for prayer and Adoration before those who were able to climb, climbed to the top of the Hill. This area has just been created where the Blessed Sacrament is kept. The blue cover was put on for us to give a bit of shade. During the week we had reflected on the fact that Elizabeth Hayes had asked Mother Mary of the Angels for an Association to St Michael to be set up and approved by Pope Leo III for the promotion of vocations to the priestly and religious life.

The altar with the Blessed Sacrament.

We had to cross the Island to get to the base of the Hill which has just begun to be cleared. We had a wide sandy path to follow and then the climb was steep with not much of a foothold or anything to hold onto. Wearing thongs was not the right foot wear for this type of terrain!! We all wore a red flower in our hair or hats. Some of the people climbed with us to show the way.

Br Jonathan and I are standing at the top clearing. The stick that Jonathan is holding marks the spot where the statue will be mounted.

This is the view from the top of the hill back to Aitape. On our return to the beach we had a swim to cool off and headed back to Aitape at 2.00pm. It was a great day for all - Sisters and the people of Tumleo.


  1. Jude, Trev and I are enjoying your blog!!

  2. Great blogging Pauline!

  3. Awesome Sr. Pauline. Thank you for the Pilgrimage trip to my island Tumleo.
