Thursday 30 April 2015

Liturgy and Beauty around St Clare's, Aitape

In this BLOG I want to show you something of the beautiful liturgies that we had at the Gathering in April when we had everyone here. The Sisters, Novices and Postulants have a lot of talent in the group. I am sure that they are all accomplished singers and a number can play an instrument.

Closing Mass for the Gathering

The music and singing has been one of the high lights of my time here, especially with so many Sisters, Novices and Postulants present. They put their whole heart and soul into the singing.

This is the Liturgy Group for the Closing Mass. They are in red lap-laps as some of them were in the Procession of the Book. Many of them are talented in playing musical instruments.

They danced their way to the altar to present the book of the Gospel accompanied by music.

Ellie presents the Book of the Gospel to Br Jonathon after the group had danced it in procession from the front doors of the chapel.

Some of the beauty here around the convent – St Clare’s Campus

Most mornings there is a lovely sunrise just to the right of the convent. It is lovely to wake up to beautiful skies each morning. Because we are in the chapel at 5.15am each day it is usually just before mass at 6.15am that the sun is is rising.

This is a close up of a couple of the water lilies. The light was just right for this shot!!

The property here is quite extensive around 2.5hectares so there is lots of space for plants and growing vegetables. This is just one little view of the rich foliage. 

Orchids are growing all over the property. There are probably 30 or 40 plants like this one.

This beach scene is to the right of the convent as one looks at the ocean. Most days it is lovely and clear. There are always children in the water playing, while their mothers are fishing.


  1. The surroundings look absolutely glorious! Great photography Pauline.

  2. Hi Marg,
    Could you send me your email address please.
