Wednesday 8 April 2015

4 Wheel Drive Trip to Aitape

We set off for Aitape on Wednesday 8th April at 9.15am for a "Gathering" of the Sisters. Here we are in the back yard at Wewak Convent. The vehicle is already half full with our luggage and food for 30 people for a week!!!! We have an esky full of frozen chicken and sausages, 40 loaves of bread and lots of dried groceries that cannot be bought in Aitape. 

In the picture is Fr Jonathan OFM cap. Sharon, Maria, Tina, Rosella and myself. Behind is the driver Robert and his co-driver. I traveled in front with Fr Jonathan, whom you see has long legs. It a a bit cramped, but probably better than sitting sideways in the back. The 40 loaves of bread in 2 boxes was resting on their knees!!

We had to stop a number of times along the way as the cargo inside shifted with all the river crossings and pot-holed roads. It was also a good chance to stretch our cramped legs.

This was our morning tea/lunch stop around 11.00am. It was on the top of a hill as you can see overlooking the ocean. The road to Aitape is along the coast line most of the way. 

We had to driver along this river bed and around the corner to find a place to cross to the other side. For some entertainment we counted the river/stream crossings. There we 34 not counting the bridges and numerous large areas that were covered in water. It rain for 3 solid hours earlier that morning.

After 6 hours on the road we arrived at Aitape Convent. As a visitor I was once again welcomed with flowers. Besides the professed Sisters the 3 novices and 3 postulants were also among the welcoming party. Afternoon tea was waiting and was very welcome at 3.30pm. A long time since our morning tea break. The Sisters had baked fresh buns and scones which we had with homemade ginger beer which was served with ice. It was very much appreciated.

My bedroom is facing this view from the second floor of the convent. I took this shot from the outside veranda just along from my room. 

I am very much enjoying the singing of the Sisters at Community Prayer and at Mass. It is also good to see so many happy younger Sisters. I will try making a video and see if I can upload it to this BLOG.

1 comment:

  1. Another beautiful location. It sounds as if everyone is very appreciative of you being there.
