Friday 3 April 2015

Arrival in PNG & Wewak

Arrival in PNG & Wewak

I arrived in Port Moresby on time after a good flight. I was met by three of our Sisters, Rosella and Elle & Jacinta who had flown in from Bosset. We all travelled together to Wewak.
I have been looking forward to this time in PNG that it is hard to believe that I am finally here.

 We were met at the Wewak Airport by Br Theo, a Spiritan Brother. He drove us to the Convent where we were met by the Sisters Dolcie, Sharon, Tina and Millie. They had prepared the neighbours children to dance a welcome for me. I was given a string of frangapani

This is a view of the front of the house facing the water. We have a lovely view to the left and front of the convent to the water and to the right to the mountains.

There were eight of us for prayers and a meal together. It was lovely to have such a large community with a number of younger Sisters.

This is the view from the front of the convent looking to the right. It sweeps around to the left.
This afternoon after the Good Friday Ceremonies we had a family with 4 young children come to have a swim in front of the convent. 

The neighbours children from next door came to play in our grounds. One of the mothers was having a quiet time on our waterfront wall.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful location. So glad you arrived safely.
