Saturday 16 May 2015

Happenings in Aitape

Happenings in Aitape

This photo was taken of the front of St Joachim’s church on Mother’s Day. The other photo is the back entrance to the church. As you can see there are no side walls, which helps when the weather is really hot. The churches are always decorated with lots of flowers and special altar cloths for special days.

Back of Church

Last Sunday I visited the grave of Therese Magee mfic who died in PNG on 9th June, 1991. 

These are the young women in formation at Aitape. L to R Anna, Sabastina and Joyce

This is a better view from this side – to the left of me: Lorna, Raylne, Vincentiana and First year professed, Gracelyn

In this group we have Raylne and two friars who are in formation, They were among the Inter-Congregation Group who did a 3 morning course on Non-Violence.

After a shared lunch the Inter Formation group played Volley Ball together. They had a very enjoyable time with lots of shouting and laughter.

After a 2 ½ hour Mass and prayers to St Michael on Saturday 16th we set off for a 2 1/2hr hour walk from St Francis Church to the town centre. We sang all the way stopping 9 times for the St Michael Chaplet Prayers. There were several hundred people. There are celebrations every day this week in preparation of the arrival of a 3 metre statue of St Michael.

Another beautiful sun rise as we set off for mass at St Joachim’s Church for Mass.

Today I went with Clara to St Anna’s Church which is the Friars Church. It is at the top of a hill, so a bit of a climb as you can see. I was the only white skinned person. A woman whom we know well made the comment that I was the only coloured person in the church....Good to see things from their perspective.

This is the Elementary school for the preps to year 3. Not a substantial building as you can see. There are two rooms in this building of bush material so no solid walls to prevent teaching from one one from going into the other.


  1. Looks wonderful Pauline. Looks like you are enjoying life and doing great things too - as always. Take care of yourself and I look forward to seeing you soon.

    1. Lovely to hear from you. I too look forward to seeing you all at Mt A.
