Tuesday 3 November 2015


Mary is the Patron of Coroico

The preparation of the feast, which is celebrating 204 years, commenced on 10th October. The actual feast is on 20th October. The town is packed with people and vehicles. It is very difficult to move about. But there is a real festive atmosphere.

This is the beginning of the procession with children dressed as angels. The little boy is front is cute, as are most children.

 In this photo we see the women carrying flowers the men carried large candles. The flowers are used to decorate the statue of the virgin and the altar. The candles are used throughout the year.

 The virgin during the lead up to the feast has been dressed in pink this year. You can see the vases of flowers mounted around her. It took 20 of us 3 hours to get the flowers into vases and to place them around the virgin and on the altar. Over 90 vases in total. 

This is a close up of the virgin. All the statues of Mary are dressed in clothes. As are many of the other statues in churches.


This small statue was used in the daily processions for the rosary novena which commenced on 11th October. Prayers commenced in the Cathedral at 6.00am each morning and we processed around different streets each day covering the major roads around the town.

This is the official Party on the stage opposite the Cathedral on 18th December where all the local schools marched around the Plaza and assembled in front of the Cathedral. The large statue of Mary was placed at the Cathedral door.

This is the statue ready for the feast. Many hours spent decorating the float with ferns which were then covered with dried flowers.

Carmen Pampa University Students marching. This University for the poor was established by our United States Community and led by Sr Damon Nolan. A Development Fund has been set up to financially support the University. The majority of students have  their fees subsidised.

Dancers being blessed during the celebrations on the eve of the feast. They started at 5.00pm and went on until 12 midnight when all processed into the Cathedral for the ‘Serenata of the Virgin’. A special group sings songs to the virgin.

Men dressed in special costumes for the occasion. Many people wear special national clothing.

This is the procession with Bishop Juan Vagas on the day of the Feast before the commencement of the Mass.

Here is another virgin dressed in blue in front of the Bible stand.

In this photo we see Fr Freddy Del Villar, the parish priest of Coroico. Mary is being carried out of the Cathedral for another Procession.

 On the day after the feast is the blessing of transport. Knowing the roads that these vehicles travel they certainly need to be blessed!!! The vehicles are decorated and after the blessing a bottle of Champaign or other drink is splashed over the car by the owners. It is quite a ritual.  

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