Wednesday 21 October 2015


Shops and Streets in Coroico

Our convent is in Rafael Miranda, Just a block away from the Cathedral. The average temp here is 18.3 degrees. However it is coming on summer and is normally around the mid to high 20's. The town is 1750 meters above sea level. The humidity is 72% and the average rainfall is 1,230mm. Hence I bought an umbrella the first week I arrived. However I have not used it since!!

This Cafe and the following one, Snack el Chef, are in our street on the way to church as is the variety shop. 

You will notice that most shops are very small.

Hotel Gloria is just below the main playing fields. It is a 3 star Hotel and has been in Coroico for many years. Coroico has many hotels and Hostels, a number are about 1 km outside the town. This is a town where tourists stay and take day trips to many areas of beauty.

There is a large covered markets, that also has a civic center attached. This is where the fiesta for the Virgin commenced. Vendors especially on a Saturday are along all the streets leading to the markets. The area outside the covered market is also full of vendors. 

This is the Plaza Principal, which is opposite the Cathedral. All major events take place in front of the Cathedral.

This stage area is opposite the Cathedral. The Plaza is the main gathering place for people. Every weekend many stalls are erected and goods sold. Fiesta time is a busy time with hundreds of vendors in town.

This is a typical narrow street. This street runs beside the Cathedral.

This is a variety store that sells a number of different articles as can be viewed in this photo.

This a mixed business with fruit and vegetables as well as dried foods.

The tall building on the right hand corner is a hostel. This is at the top of our street. Around the bend is the Plaza Principal and Cathedral.

In my next BLOG I will show photos of the Cathedral and the Festival of the Virgen de la Candelaria

Thursday 15 October 2015

Coroico Convent and Environs

Views from our Convent

The MFIC have had a presence in Coroico for 45 years. The first Sister to come was Sr M Justin Wallace who came at the invitation of Bishop Thomas Manning OFM. I spent 2 years in Coroico in 2000 and 2001. I am here on a Short Term Mission because Sr Helena Harney is on a home visit to Ireland. Sr Helen Bubu, from Papua New Guinea is also here. She is due to leave Coroico in January 2016 and has ministered here for 9 years. Both Sisters are involved in Pastoral Work in Coroico and the outlying communities as well as the administration of a Boarding School at Cochuna. Sr Helen is very much involved in providing music and singing at the Liturgies and she also works with the youth of the parish. 

This sign is a few meters down the street from our convent. Coroico means Paradise and the scenery is certainly makes one feel that they are in Paradise.

About 20 meters up the street from the sign above is this wall and at the end of it the gate to our Convent and the primary school, San Pedro.

     This entrance is to the school on the left and the convent on the right. Ours is the green gate.

1   The Convent is two stories with bedrooms on the top floor. Downstairs are the kitchen and dining room, chapel, and two work preparation rooms. The large chapel is at the end of the building. It was last used when Sr Mirabel was Professed in 2014.

     This Mountain is viewed from our top veranda. In 2000 I climbed the mountain with the Assistant Pastor, Mario, two young Professed Sisters and a Candidate. It was a 6 km distance from the town to the top. Uchumachi is 2500 metres high. Had to stop every few minutes to rest because of the altitude. At the base of the mountain is the Calvary Chapel. The way of the cross is established here. Youth walk the Inca Trail and arrive in Coroico for Good Friday celebrations.

1   This is the old road to La Paz, just a single lane with double lanes on the many curves. It is called the Road of Death. I travelled on it 40 or 50 times in 2 years. I would think twice about that now!!! This view is from our veranda as will be the next few photos.

1  View from our top veranda of the mountains. The school buildings are also in   this photo.

The mountain in the background has snow on its peak all year round. This mountain is directly in front of the convent

This photo is taken a little to the right of the previous mountain photo. Coroico is on a mountain and is surrounded by mountains.

In the next BLOG I will show you around the Coroico township. 

Sunday 11 October 2015

Short Term Mission in Bolivia


I arrived in La Paz early Saturday morning on 2nd October to commence my 2 months in Coroico. La Paz has the highest altitude of approx 3500 metres above sea level for an International Airport in the world. When we arrived it had snowed. Instead of arriving to 20 degrees Celsius as in the forecast it was Zero degrees!! I traveled from Miami with 3 people who were travelling to Carmen Pampa so I had a lift with them to Coroico to drop off my luggage and then on to Carmen Pampa when I met Srs. Jean and Chris who live and work at Carmen Pampa.

 Map of Bolivia – Bolivia is surrounded by 5 countries

La Paz airport – This new airport building was opened in 2015. 

La Paz City – This city has over 1 million inhabitants, and is the political and economic centre of Bolivia. The poor live in houses on the slopes.

Snow on Mountains – Mountains for many kilometres were covered in snow.

Map of Coroico -  Road from La Paz to Coroico showing old and new roads. The distance is 96 kilometers and takes approx. 3 hours. Dotted line shows INCA Trail which passes through Coroico. The youth walk this trail during Holy Week arriving Good Friday at the Coroico Cathedral

Old Road to Coroico (taken from car window) 
Final leg of the road into Coroico, still dirt!!!!

In my next BLOG I will show you the Convent in Coroico where I am staying
and the spectacular view of the mountains from the top veranda!!!