Tuesday 16 June 2015

Women's Health and Wellbeing Gathering at Stella Maris Convent, Wewak

Sr Rosella called together the women of the Parish to our convent last Sunday afternoon for an information session on Women’s Health Issues. Many women have cancer and one of the most faithful to preparing the church each Sunday has just died of cancer. 

The session was held in the open space under our house, actually under the chapel.

The women gathered on the lawn for a group photo.

Having a get-to-gether after the meeting. This where the real sharing happens!!!

Sr Rosella and Elizabeth having a chat together.

The younger Sisters are enjoying the children who came with their mothers – Sr Dulcie with Anthoni

Sr Sharon pointing to me on the top veranda, with Anthoni and his red car.

Sr Millie and Evordia also spy me on the top veranda.

The Sisters have a Ministry here to women who have been victims of Domestic Violence. They have a secure section under the Convent. For this ministry they have to raise money. If anyone would like to donate or do a fund raising activity it would really be a great help. Dulcie at the  moment is making ice blocks and our next door neighbours are selling them for her since she is at College studying to be a teacher. Millie is also a student, finishing her high school education so that she can go on for further studies. 

This is probably my last BLOG from Papua New Guinea. I return to Australia on 28th June. The time here on my Short-Term Mission has been a great experience for me. I would highly recommend it to Sisters who are able to travel and give support to this Mission. Our younger Sisters are the future and they need your help. THINK ABOUT IT!!! What could you offer for a few months. Ongoing Formation is always needed as well as other practical skills. 

Friday 5 June 2015

Wewak Convent and Environs

This is a photo of the Convent at Wewak Hill, called Stella Maris. This view is from the waterside, the other side is the market side. There is another section, the bedrooms,  beyond to the left that cannot be seen from this angle. The chapel is closest to the covered verandah, then the dining/community room. On the other side opposite the chapel is a bedroom and then the kitchen and a work space with desks.

This is the bedroom section. There are 5 bedrooms in this section.  Underneath is an area where the Sisters have a ministry to women who are victims of violence. It is well secured and the women feel safe. It is a temporary refuge until a better situation can be arranged for the women. Quite often they stay with the Sisters until they can return to the safety of their own family (parents and siblings).

Sr Sharon and I enjoying a cool breeze near the water. Sharon is sitting on the retaining wall and I am standing on the sea wall that Jo Scanlan supervised the building of with financial assistance from Mt Alvernia College. It is lovely to sit here in the late afternoon and relax with the dogs and puppies running around and enjoying our company.

This is the view behind where I am standing in the previous photo. Our church is on the top of this hill, but not on the water side. Opposite the Church there is a new motel with the water view.

Looking directly across the water to islands opposite our sea wall.  A little neighbour is to the left enjoying the water.